In Cuba, after experiencing an island-wide blackout, the electrical grid collapsed a second time, leaving millions of people struggling to find food and stay cool amid ongoing power outages. Journalist Ed Augustin reported that power is slowly being restored in some areas, but the situation remains dire for many. The blackout has caused widespread alarm in the country.
Meanwhile, in the United States, the focus is on the upcoming election. Reporter explains that the Harris campaign is working hard to turn out Black voters, emphasizing the importance of their support. Former GOP Representative and Air Force veteran also joins Harris on the campaign trail, showing strong support for the candidate.
As the election nears, the decision to vote for Harris or to stay home is a critical one. Analysts discuss the impact of high-profile endorsements from figures like Barack and Michelle Obama in motivating voters to support Harris. The race between Harris and Trump is tight, with polls showing them in a dead heat three weeks before the election.
The ongoing events in Cuba highlight the importance of reliable infrastructure, while the political developments in the US underscore the significance of voter turnout and support for candidates. The coming weeks will be crucial in determining the outcome of both the US election and the recovery efforts in Cuba.
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